Category: Los Angeles

The Cancer Card

So I said I would work on transitioning my blog to be a travel blog. Well, I have done some traveling but between work and school, I wasn’t focusing on getting those posts up. I just got busy. Then I…

Ho Ho…No?

Along with all the commercials that insist every woman MUST have jewelry for Christmas, it seems the internet has become riddled with posts on “How to Survive the Holidays Single.”  It’s like come the end of November, we are just…

I Got One Life…..

When placed in a situation of transition and change, you might find choices that would be hard to make, become easy. I am in a place where if you aren’t supporting what I’m doing, I won’t question it, not question…

Officially Undateable

    Staring out of my bedroom window at the Downtown LA skyline just taking it all in…because I don’t know when I’ll have this view again. It’s not like I haven’t been appreciating it.  Everyday, I have. The hustle…

E.T. Phone Home

I think I’ve discovered a new species consuming our planet.  Seems aliens have landed here, and get this, they don’t talk….they…text, and nothing more.  This baffles me.  Discovering this new species sounds interesting and exciting and you might be wondering…

Chapter 18. I Have a Secret!

If I tell you this…you are to keep my secret SAFE! Are we clear?? OK, here it goes…I.have.a crush. Alright, now…stop freaking out. How did this guy get past date #1?? Rare indeed. I still can’t figure it out. I…

Masturbation Nation

I just discovered that May is “Masturbation Month”… this makes me sad. Why? Because I believe there should be more than a month dedicated to it. In case you weren’t aware (then you clearly haven’t read anything I’ve written and…