Along with all the commercials that insist every woman MUST have jewelry for Christmas, it seems the internet has become riddled with posts on “How to Survive the Holidays Single.” It’s like come the end of November, we are just…
I think I’ve discovered a new species consuming our planet. Seems aliens have landed here, and get this, they don’t talk….they…text, and nothing more. This baffles me. Discovering this new species sounds interesting and exciting and you might be wondering…
If I tell you this…you are to keep my secret SAFE! Are we clear?? OK, here it goes…I.have.a crush. Alright, now…stop freaking out. How did this guy get past date #1?? Rare indeed. I still can’t figure it out. I…
“War, what is it good for?” -Edwin Starr In war, there is typically a victor but when it comes to the battle of sexes, is there? I was in deep thought the other day realizing how far we have come…
At 17, when the Army and Navy told me the Air Force would never let me enlist with them, I was determined to find out why. I don’t like the word “No” so I walked right over to the Air…
The loss of a beloved uncle sent me to visit family in New Mexico. A little town called Anthony. After laying him to rest, the whole family came together to celebrate his life. Food, drinks, more food, and the classic…
And now a public service announcement…. Just a friendly reminder…. don’t let V-Day become VD-Day!! Wrap it before you tap it! On another note, as Valentines Day is being celebrated all around us (whether we like it or not) and…
In the spirit of having a good laugh while filtering through my matches, I thought it would be fun to start sharing some of the ridiculous emails I have been getting…..You’re welcome. On my profile I had stated that I…
When you walk through the fog, it’s hard to see in front of you, hard to tell if you need to go right or left. It’s a sort of blindness. You reach out hoping to grab onto something or someone…
This want to date comes and goes, so I just decided to sign up for a site and have fun with it. Besides, if anything I will have blog material, and you KNOW you wouldn’t have it any other way!…