Along with all the commercials that insist every woman MUST have jewelry for Christmas, it seems the internet has become riddled with posts on “How to Survive the Holidays Single.” It’s like come the end of November, we are just…
Ladies, let’s stop with the excuses shall we? When a guy isn’t calling you his girlfriend, it’s because he doesn’t want you to be. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t like you but when you are there, fully committed, without him…
I think I’ve discovered a new species consuming our planet. Seems aliens have landed here, and get this, they don’t talk….they…text, and nothing more. This baffles me. Discovering this new species sounds interesting and exciting and you might be wondering…
“War, what is it good for?” -Edwin Starr In war, there is typically a victor but when it comes to the battle of sexes, is there? I was in deep thought the other day realizing how far we have come…
At 17, when the Army and Navy told me the Air Force would never let me enlist with them, I was determined to find out why. I don’t like the word “No” so I walked right over to the Air…
There’s the ongoing joke..you know the one..about the single lady with 40 cats? Well apparently that’s going to be me(though I don’t have any, guess I should head to the shelter) I’m going to stay single forever and you know…
What do you do when the past comes back to haunt you in the form of an email? How do you react? Do ladies remain ladies… gentlemen, gentlemen, or do you fly off the handle? In my short year(s) of…
This may not be the only post about this subject….. in fact, I may create a page on dating etiquette…period. MY and I will repeat MY Do’s and Don’ts of Online Dating… Some of these seem harsh. But online dating…
Alright….so he responded. “Hey Lori! 🙂 Well, I must say I was pretty shocked by this email as I didn’t mean to come across this way at all. 🙂 However, I appreciate your honesty and unfortunately that’s the price we’re…